一、个人基本情况 徐丽婧,博士研究生,hg0068皇冠登录入口副教授,硕士生导师,现任山西省食用菌产业技术体系岗位专家、山西省微生物学会常务理事。主要从事食用菌精深加工及食用菌功能性成分等方面的研究。主授课程:《食用菌加工工艺学》、《酶工程》和《专业英语》等课程。 二、教育背景 2007.9~2012.7 中国农业老员工物学院 微生物系 药用与食用真菌 理学博士 2010.9~2011.12 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 植物育种研究中心 食用菌育种 联合培养博士 2003.9~2007.7 hga030皇冠官网 HG0086皇冠 生物工程 工学学士 三、工作履历 2016.1~至今 hga030皇冠官网 HG0086皇冠 副教授 2014.7~2015.12 hga030皇冠官网 HG0086皇冠 讲师 2012.7~2014.7 北京市农林科学院 博士后 2018.5~2018.11 日本埼玉大学,访问学者 四、主要科研项目 1. 山西省基础研究计划面上项目,20210302124127,基于“肠道菌群-SCFAs/BA-GLP-1”通路研究羊肚菌多糖调节糖代谢的作用及其机制,主持。 2. 山西省省筹资金资助回国留学人员科研项目,2022-096,基于肠道菌群-胆汁酸-FXR轴研究羊肚菌多糖改善糖代谢的作用机制,主持。 3. 山西省高等学校教学改革创新项目,J20220232,《食用菌加工工艺学》课程思政教学改革与实践研究,主持。 4. 山西省应用基础研究计划青年科技研究基金,201801D221300,灵芝黑色素的分子修饰、抗氧化构效关系及其机制初探,主持。 五、代表性论文 1. Xu Pan, Junlong Meng*, Lijing Xu*, Mingchang Chang, Cuiping Feng, Xueran Geng, Yanfen Cheng, Dongdong Guo, Rongzhu Liu, Zhichao Wang, Dongjie Li, Lirui Tan. In-depth investigation of the hypoglycemic mechanism of Morchella importuna polysaccharide via metabonomics combined with 16S rRNA sequencing. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 220 (2022) 659–670. 2. Hui Yuan, Lijing*, Mingchang Chang*, Junlong Meng, Cuiping Feng, Xueran Geng, Yanfen Cheng, Zongqi Liu. Effects of different cooking methods on volatile flavor compounds, nutritional constituents, and antioxidant activities of Clitocybe squamulose. Frontiers in Nutrition. 9:1017014. 3. Xu Pan, Lijing Xu*, Junlong Meng*, Mingchang Chang, Yanfen Cheng, Xueran Geng, Dongdong Guo, Rongzhu Liu. Ultrasound-Assisted Deep Eutectic Solvents Extraction of Polysaccharides From Morchella importuna: Optimization, Physicochemical Properties, and Bioactivities. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022. 9:912014. 4. Lijing Xu, Jun Li, Mingchang Chang, Yanfen Cheng, Xueran Geng, Junlong Meng*, Mengjuan Zhu. Comparison of physicochemical and biochemical properties of natural and arginine-modified melanin from medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2020, 60(11):1014-1028. 5. Lijing Xu, Xueran Geng, Mingchang Chang, Junlong Meng, Hexiang Wang*, Tzi Bun Ng*. A Novel Ribonuclease with HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitory Activity Purified from the Field Blewit Mushroom Lepista personata (Agaricomycetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2020, 22(10):991-1000. 6. Lijing Xu, Bowen Chen, Xueran Geng, Cuiping Feng, Junlong Meng*, Mingchang Chang*. A protease-resistant α-galactosidase characterized by relatively acid pH tolerance from the Shitake Mushroom Lentinula edodes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019,128(1): 324–330. 7. Lijing Xu, MengjuanZhu, Xiao Chen, Hexiang Wang* and Guoqing Zhang. A novel laccase from fresh fruiting bodies of the wild medicinal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2015, 62:35-40. 8. Lijing Xu, Qingjun Chen, Hexiang Wang* and Guoqing Zhang, Purification and characterization of a ribonuclease from the wild edible mushroom Armillaria luteo-virens. 2013, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 9. Lijing Xu, Hexiang Wang* and Tzibun Ng*. A laccase with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity from the broth of mycelial culture of the mushroom Lentinus tigrinus. 2012 Journal of biomedicine and biotechnology. 10. Lijing Xu, Guoqing Zhang, Hexiang Wang and Tzibun Ng. Isolation and Characterization of a Phytase from Cultivated Edible Mushroom the Straw Mushroom. 2012 Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 11.左宁柯,徐丽婧*,常明昌,孟俊龙,武斌,王昭玉.鳞杯伞α-半乳糖苷酶的提取纯化及酶学性质研究.菌物学报,2022,41(05):769-781. 12.王昭玉,常明昌*,徐丽婧*,孟俊龙,潘旭.灵芝子实体、菌丝体和孢子黑色素的结构表征与理化性质研究.生物技术通报,2021,37(11):81- 13. 何畅, 徐丽婧*,常明昌,孟俊龙*,左宁柯,王昭玉.梯棱羊肚菌子实体多糖提取优化及结构初探.食用菌报,2021,28(02):77-88. 六、专利 1. 一种羊肚菌多糖及其低共熔溶剂提取方法,发明专利 ZL 2021 1 0628944.3,第1发明人。 2. 一种双孢蘑菇照明采收刀,实用新型专利 ZL 2020 2 1911921.0,第1发明人。